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Unencrypted laptop with 1 million SSNs stolen from state - SC Magazine US - 0 views

    The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) is notifying more than one million state residents that their personal data was stored on an unencrypted laptop that was stolen from an agency employee. The computer file contained the names, Social Security numbers, birth dates and home addresses of Oklahoma's Human Services' clients receiving benefits from programs such as Medicaid, child care assistance, nutrition aid and disability benefits, the agency announced Thursday. The computer, which was stolen when a thief broke into the car April 3 after the employee stopped on her way home from work, was password protected, and officials do not believe the burglar realized what he or she was stealing. Therefore, the risk of the data being accessed is minimal, according to the agency. "We feel this was not a situation where someone was targeting the agency or that information," DHS spokeswoman Mary Leaver told on Friday. "We feel it was random." Leaver said the state Office of Inspector General is conducting an investigation, out of which likely will come a mandatory review of information security policies. However, it is not believed the employee violated existing policy when the incident occurred, she said. News of the theft comes one day after the Ponemon Institute, in conjunction with Intel, released a study that found the average value of a lost laptop is $49,246. About 80 percent of the cost is related to the chance that a breach could occur, the study showed.

Irving ISD says data stolen on 3,400 employees | AP Texas News | - Houston Ch... - 0 views

    Identity thieves using the names and Social Security numbers of Irving Independent School District employees have made thousands of dollars in purchases, school officials say. One woman has been accused of fraudulent use or possession of identifying information and two charges of credit card abuse. A second person linked to the theft case has been arrested but no charges have yet been filed in the Irving case, authorities said. At least 64 of the 3,400 teachers and other employees whose names were on the old benefits report that somehow ended up in the trash have said they are identity theft victims. The school district mailed letters to current and former employees about the breach, but 472 of the letters were returned as undeliverable. Pat Lamb, district security director, said in a story for Sunday's online edition of The Dallas Morning News that the employees at risk of being on the list worked for the district in the 2000-01 school year and had payroll deductions for benefits. "We still do not know how our records were compromised," Lamb said. "We don't know if somebody was supposed to shred that information, but it ended up in a Dumpster." Lamb said his name was among those on the report, which was generated in 2000. Cynthia Will, a former teacher, pleaded for help from the school board last week. More than $25,000 was charged in her name, including a $4,000 diamond ring, the newspaper reported. "It was stunning the damage that was done in just seven days," she told the board. Will has to carry an affidavit stating that she is an identity theft victim and if there are warrants on her old driver's license number that they are not for her. Dawn Bizzell, who has taught in the district since 1996, said district officials acted too slowly. An employee advisory wasn't posted until Jan. 26. Bizzell said she learned she was an identity theft victim on Nov. 28 and police told her of the district connection on Dec. 3.
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Banks, credit unions begin to sue Heartland over data breach - 0 views

    In an indication of the legal troubles that companies can find themselves in over data breaches these days, several banks and credit unions have begun suing Heartland Payment Systems Inc. over its recently disclosed data breach. In the six weeks since the potentially massive breach was disclosed, eight banks and credit unions have filed lawsuits against Heartland over its alleged failure to take adequate measures for protecting credit and debt cardholder data. Heartland said on Jan. 20 that unknown intruders had broken into its network sometime last year and accessed payment card data belonging to an undisclosed number of customers. The breach, thought to possibly be the biggest ever disclosed, has already affected over 500 financial institutions, including a handful in the Bahamas, Bermuda and Canada. The lawsuits seek compensation from Heartland for the costs that the financial institutions said they've had to bear in notifying affected customers about the breach and in reissuing new payment cards. The lawsuits also claim damages from Heartland for costs of the alleged fraud that the banks claimed have resulted from the breach.

Nextgov - File-sharing networks used to uncover thousands of medical records - 0 views

    Just days after President Obama signed a law giving billions of dollars to develop electronic health records, a university technology professor submitted a paper showing that he was able to uncover tens of thousands of medical files containing names, addresses and Social Security numbers for patients seeking treatment for conditions ranging from AIDS to mental health problems. Using peer-to-peer applications, which computer users download to share files, most commonly music and movies, M. Eric Johnson, director of the Center for Digital Strategies at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., was able to access electronic medical records on computers that had the peer-to-peer programs stored on their hard drives. The medical files contained detailed personal data on physical and mental diagnoses, which a hacker could use to not only embarrass a patient but also to commit medical fraud. One of the largest stashes of medical data Johnson discovered during two weeks of research he conducted in January was a database containing two spreadsheets from a hospital he declined to identify. The files contained records on 20,000 patients, which included names, Social Security numbers, insurance carriers and codes for diagnoses. The codes identified by name four patients infected with AIDS, the mental illnesses that 201 others were diagnosed as having and cancer findings for 326 patients. Data also included links to four major hospitals and 355 insurance carriers that provided health coverage to 4,029 employers and 266 doctors.

Visa: New payment-processor data breach not so new after all - security breach - Comput... - 0 views

    Days after Visa seemingly confirmed that a data breach had taken place at a third payment processor, following on the recent breach disclosures by Heartland Payment Systems and RBS WorldPay, the credit card company now is saying that there was no new security incident after all. In actuality, Visa said in a statement issued Friday, alerts that it sent recently to banks and credit unions warning them about a compromise at a payment processor were related to the ongoing investigation of a previously known breach. However, Visa still didn't disclose the identity of the breached company, nor say why it is continuing to keep the name under wraps. Visa said that it had sent lists of credit and debit card numbers found to have been compromised as part of the investigation to financial institutions "so they can take steps to protect consumers." It added that it currently "is risk-scoring all transactions in real-time, helping card issuers better distinguish fraudulent transactions from legitimate ones." Visa's latest statement follows ones issued by both it and MasterCard International earlier this week in response to questions about breach notices that had been posted by several credit unions and banking associations. The notices made it clear that they weren't referring to the system intrusion disclosed by Heartland on January 20 and suggested that a new breach had occurred.

What I learned when thieves stole my identity -- South Florida - 0 views

    The first sign that something was wrong seemed harmless: A new Dell credit card arrived in my mail one afternoon. More landed in the mailbox the next day. Macy's. Bloomingdale's. Crate and Barrel. Radio Shack. Then later: Visa Sony, Toys R Us and Lowe's cards turned up. I didn't request any of these cards. My first call to Dell revealed what I suspected. Someone had applied for a credit card using my name. I felt violated and vulnerable. Then, it hit me: I've become a statistic, a victim of identity theft. A thief had taken my name, my credit and my identity and managed to spend more than $8,000 (money that, I'm grateful, I didn't have to pay). I still don't know who the culprit was or how it happened. All I know is that if this happened to me - a Sun Sentinel consumer affairs and watchdog reporter - it can happen to anybody. Thieves move quickly Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States, according to the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces identity theft laws. Experts estimate 10 million Americans become victims of identity fraud each year. Last year, businesses lost $56.6 billion to ID theft, the commission said. I've spent hours on the phone talking to fraud investigators, credit bureaus and bank staff as I've tried to sort out the mess that is now mine to clean up. I was exhausted every time a call ended. Individual investigations, conducted by fraud departments for each of the credit card companies that issued accounts in my name, took months to complete before concluding I was a victim of ID fraud. But there is a bright side to this story. I thought I knew how to protect myself. But what I've learned through this experience has taught me that you can never be too careful. I also learned some hard lessons along the way about how best to safeguard my personal information in the future - and respond, if my identity is targeted again.

Picking an anti-fraud team » Adotas - 0 views

    Online fraud is a $4 billion dollar a year industry. It grows as the unemployment rate increases and the jobless attempt to earn a living through whatever means necessary. Meanwhile, the Internet's footprint on the global economy and culture becomes larger every day. The expansion of fraud and the identification of this risk will create more jobs in the fields of compliance, risk management, and best practices. Who will fill these positions? For many companies looking to take action, the initial move will be to consolidate roles. Individuals in areas such as sales and marketing will absorb fraud identification, reporting, and prevention responsibilities. This will prove to be ineffective for the following reasons: 1. The sales and marketing staffs are not trained to identify fraud and they cannot keep up with the ever-changing tactics. 2. Associates are conflicted when faced with a fraud incident. They are not motivated to report fraud and their compensation structure dissuades them from reporting incidents. 3. Business goals are not aligned appropriately, which naturally moved fraud last on the priority list for the associates assigned the additional responsibilities. 4. While the internal attempt is made, no time is spent on partner due diligence and monitoring. Organizations will benefit in the long term by hiring dedicated staff. This tactic is one component of my company's Best Practice approach to doing business. My dedicated team helped realign business goals and create a culture that now embraces a higher set of standards and expectations. Staffing and training were the largest challenges I have faced in the last year. The positions were new, the skill set was specific, and as a result we received a dichotomous set of resumes. Applicants with online marketing experience had little to no experience with fraud, or they came from companies where more unscrupulous methods were used, and I was not confident those habits would be easily kicked. The app

Dixon: FTC expertise needed to fight medical ID theft - 0 views

    The federal government has a key role to play in researching and organizing a national response to the problem of medical identity theft, authors of a government-funded study have concluded. Patients, providers, payers and other members of the healthcare community also must join in the effort to combat a problem that is serious, although as yet its scope is not fully known, the report stated. Contractor Booz Allen Hamilton released the report last week. It represents the final phase of the $450,000 study funded last year by the Office of the National Coordinator at HHS. The study consisted of three parts, the first being to review existing knowledge about medical identity theft as well as policies and practices to prevent it. Those findings were included in a research paper on the subject released last October. The second phase involved a public meeting Oct. 15, 2008, the same day the paper was released, to "open a dialogue about medical identity theft within the healthcare industry. The final phase, the 26-page report, includes 31 "potential actions," which are recommendations that could form a national policy on medical identity theft. While medical identity theft "may be categorized as healthcare fraud," according to the report, "there are unique and important distinctions of medical identity theft that need to become more commonly understood to address this issue effectively." One difference, the report authors noted, is that the primary motive behind healthcare fraud "is most often monetary gain, such as when fraudulent providers bill for more expensive services than those rendered. However, medical identity theft tends to be focused on the use of someone else's information to gain goods, services and healthcare." IT could hurt, help Therefore, undetected medical identity theft poses medical risks to its victims, since their medical records may contain inaccurate and potentially harmful information that may cause them not to be con

Heartland sued over data breach | Security - CNET News - 0 views

    Payment processor Heartland Payment Systems has been sued over a data breach it disclosed publicly on Inauguration Day last week. The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Trenton, N.J., alleges that Heartland failed to adequately safeguard the compromised consumer data, did not notify consumers about the breach in a timely manner as required by law, and has not offered to compensate consumers for costs they may incur in protecting themselves from identity fraud. In a statement that coincided with President Barack Obama's inauguration events, Heartland said the breach occurred last year but that it found evidence of the intrusion only in the previous week and immediately notified law enforcement and credit card companies. Heartland was alerted in late October to suspicious activity surrounding processed card transactions by Visa and MasterCard and hired forensic auditors who uncovered malicious software that compromised data in the company's network, said Robert H.B. Baldwin Jr., chief financial officer of Heartland, last week. The lawsuit seeks damages and relief for the "inexplicable delay, questionable timing, and inaccuracies concerning the disclosures" with regard to the data breach, which is believed to be the largest in U.S. history. Heartland executives have declined to specify how many consumers or accounts were affected. The company handles 100 million transactions per month for more than 250,000 merchants. The lawsuit, first reported by SearchSecurity news site, also accuses Heartland of negligence in taking more than two months to determine the existence and scope of the breach and criticizes the company for failing to identify which merchants were affected by the breach. The suit was filed on behalf of Woodbury, Minn., resident Alicia Cooper, who was notified last week by her credit union that a card associated with her account was included in the breach. It seeks class action status. A Heartland spokesman said the company could no

Judge to decide if Hannaford data breach should go to trial | Portland Press Herald - 0 views

    A federal judge said he will decide in the next few days whether supermarket giant Hannaford Bros. is potentially liable for damages because of a data breach that exposed more than 4 million credit and debit card numbers to computer hackers. Judge D. Brock Hornby heard arguments on Wednesday at U.S. District Court. Attorneys for Hannaford asked the judge to dismiss the lawsuit, which was filed against the Scarborough-based company last year. Attorneys for the plaintiffs said Hornby should certify the case as a class-action suit and let it proceed toward trial. The upcoming ruling will determine whether parts or all of the suit will go forward. The case boils down to a couple of central questions: To what extent are merchants responsible for securing the electronic data that gets processed with every noncash purchase, and what should the consequences be when that data is stolen? "These are fascinating and difficult issues," Hornby said after hearing the arguments Wednesday. "I'll get a written decision out to you as soon as I can." Between Dec. 7, 2007, and March 10, 2008, hackers stole credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates and PIN numbers from people shopping at Hannaford supermarkets. The grocery chain operates more than 200 stores under various names in New England, New York and Florida. More than 4 million card numbers were exposed, and by the time Hannaford publicly announced the breach, on March 17, 2008, about 1,800 fraudulent charges had been made.

Diary of a Data Breach Investigation - CSO Online - Security and Risk - 0 views

    When the CISO asks to speak to you with that look on his face, you know the news isn't good. We were contacted by one of our third-party vendors, whom we had hired to do analysis on our website traffic. It appears that we have been passing sensitive information to them over the Internet. This sensitive information included data, such as customer names, addresses and credit card information. Because we are a public company, there are many regulatory guidelines that we have to follow like Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the Payment Card Industry's (PCI) data security standard. Fortunately for us, our vendor has retained a copy of everything that we have sent to them. Unfortunately for us, it was six months of information totaling over a terabyte. Since our website is international, the legal department needed to obtain outside council to assist us in this matter. It will be a few days until I receive the data from the vendor.

D.C. Agency Accidentally E-Mails Personal Data About College Financial Aid Applicants -... - 0 views

    The D.C. agency that handles college financial aid requests said yesterday that it had accidentally e-mailed personal information from 2,400 student applicants to more than 1,000 of those applicants. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) said it has notified all students of the breach, which occurred when an employee of the agency's Higher Education Financial Services Program inadvertently attached an Excel spreadsheet to an e-mail. The information included student names, e-mail and home addresses, phone and Social Security numbers and dates of birth. The disclosure involved the "DC OneApp," an online application that allows D.C. students to apply for a series of grant programs. They include DCTAG, which provides awards of up to $10,000 toward the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition at public four-year-colleges in the 50 states. The accidental disclosure went to about 1,250 DCTAG applicants, officials said. OSSE never publicly announced the breach, which occurred Wednesday. It did express regret for the incident in an e-mail sent to students and parents the next day. A parent made the e-mail available to The Washington Post over the weekend.

Heartland breach cost $12.6 million, CEO says - 0 views

    Heartland Payment Systems Inc. said it was experiencing losses this quarter as a direct result of a massive data breach it disclosed in January when investigators discovered a malicious program sniffing credit card data passing through its systems. The company said it took a $2.5 million loss for the quarter as a result of spending more than $12.6 million in legal bills, fines from MasterCard and Visa and administrative costs. The announcement was made during the company's financial earnings call, where Carr said the costs associated with the breach could continue to climb. "Our defense of the claims regarding the processing system intrusion remains ongoing," he said. "Much of the legal work remains to be done and it is difficult to anticipate when these matters will come to a conclusion." Carr also admitted for the first time that since the Princeton, N.J.-based processing giant announced a breach of its systems, some of the payment processor's clients have switched to competitors as a result of the breach. He said some competing processors resorted to scare tactics. "We have had many competitors that have been very supportive and professional, and we certainly don't want to tar all of our competitors with the same brush," Carr said. "We have had some competitors telling merchants falsely that they would be fined $10,000 a day if they stay with Heartland. We think we're through the worst of that." Car said less than $1 million of the breach costs were fines levied by MasterCard and Visa against the company's sponsored banks. The fines are being contested, he said. More than $500,000 relates to a fine assessed by MasterCard against the sponsored banks in which the card company said Heartland failed to take appropriate action upon learning that a breach was suspected. Carr said the fine is in direct violation of both the MasterCard rules and law.

Data Explosion Expands Breach Exposure, But Insurers More Open To Handling Risk - 0 views

    The problem with securing data and insuring its safety is that there is simply so much more stored electronically these days that opportunities for outside hackers or insiders to steal valuable, confidential information off a company's computer systems are growing exponentially, according to those in the insurance industry who make it their business to cover this expanding exposure. Indeed, "you can take out more data in a thumb drive now than people could take out in a super-computer 10 years ago," according to Kevin Kalinich, co-national managing director for Professional Risk Solutions at Aon. The risk of a data breach is very real for companies large and small across almost any industry, noted Mr. Kalinich. He cited a report from the University of California, Berkeley, that more data has been aggregated and stored in the last three years than in the entire history of mankind. He also noted that between 75 and 85 percent of Fortune 2000 companies have suffered a "material data breach," meaning there is a growing market for those selling insurance coverage for liability and repair costs, as well as loss control services. Companies that take an "it won't happen to me" approach to securing data need only look at news headlines to see that organizations are often hit by breaches, and as more data is being stored electronically, the potential for, and impact of possible breaches increase. Princeton, N.J.-based credit and debit processing company Heartland Payment Systems reported that it had been compromised in 2008 in a breach that involved up to 100 million records, which would be tops for number of records accessed in a breach. The Heartland incident would displace the 2007 breach of TJX, in which over 45.6 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen. The TJX breach, in turn, took the record set by a breach of CardSystems Solutions in 2005.

The Facebook Blog | About Face- book. Updates Policy - (again) - 0 views

    Perhaps Mark Z is surprised that people actually read terms of service. Arrogant twit. He's a multi-millionaire who cares about the little people (stage direction: Mark Z looks sincerely into web cam as he wipes away tear with hundred dollar bill). Perhaps the Tweens don't understand what social networking sites really sell; looks like some grown ups started asking where all their personal information is going and when it might inconveniently show up in some ad campaign.
    A couple of weeks ago, we revised our terms of use hoping to clarify some parts for our users. Over the past couple of days, we received a lot of questions and comments about the changes and what they mean for people and their information. Based on this feedback, we have decided to return to our previous terms of use while we resolve the issues that people have raised. Many of us at Facebook spent most of today discussing how best to move forward. One approach would have been to quickly amend the new terms with new language to clarify our positions further. Another approach was simply to revert to our old terms while we begin working on our next version. As we thought through this, we reached out to respected organizations to get their input. Going forward, we've decided to take a new approach towards developing our terms. We concluded that returning to our previous terms was the right thing for now. As I said yesterday, we think that a lot of the language in our terms is overly formal and protective so we don't plan to leave it there for long. More than 175 million people use Facebook. If it were a country, it would be the sixth most populated country in the world. Our terms aren't just a document that protect our rights; it's the governing document for how the service is used by everyone across the world. Given its importance, we need to make sure the terms reflect the principles and values of the people using the service. Our next version will be a substantial revision from where we are now. It will reflect the principles I described yesterday around how people share and control their information, and it will be written clearly in language everyone can understand. Since this will be the governing document that we'll all live by, Facebook users will have a lot of input in crafting these terms. You have my commitment that we'll do all of these things, but in order to do them right it will take a little bit of time. We expect to complete this in the next few we

Identity Theft: There is an App For That | BrickHouse Security Blog - 1 views

    "Every day thousands of people download new applications onto their smart phones without much care for the terms of service they so easily agree to. What most of these people don't know is they may be volunteering information and allowing for companies to gather data without their consent. Recently a company called Pinch Media was charged with being a little too invasive when it comes to gathering information through their iPhone apps. According to one iPhone developer, applications using Pinch Media can retrieve information like your phone's personal ID number and can work in conjunction with other applications like Facebook to determine your gender, birth year and even your exact longitude and latitude. Pinch Media has been accused of gathering information that has nothing to do with its applications. Instead, they have been using this data collection for advertisements and other marketing purposes. Worse, is that this information is often taken without the consent of the user and more often than not does not allow the user the option to stop the information gathering. Pinch Media has fought back by arguing that they are completely within their rights to retrieve the information as long as the user gives consent when they agree to the terms of the application. Regardless of whether or not the information they gathered is being used for good or ill mannered purposes one thing is certain. Smart phone users should pay more attention to the terms of service they agree to. A simple visit to a software developer's web site can be the difference between you using your applications and your applications using you. Take the time out to read the fine print, and if you aren't sure about something - email the company directly with your questions or concerns."

Google Voice mails exposed for all to see and hear | Zero Day | - 0 views

    "A simple search query has exposed Google Voice mail messages (audio and transcript) for anyone to see and hear. As first reported here, a user entering "site:*" into the Google search bar discovered random voice mail messages belonging to random Google Voice accounts (see screenshot below). Clicking on each revealed not only the audio file and transcript of the call, but it also listed the callers name and phone number as it would if you were checking your own Google Voice voice mail. I was able to replicate the issue and listen to several voice mail messages, including some legitimate ones with potentially sensitive information."

Firefox hit by multiple drive-by download flaws | Zero Day | - 0 views

    "Mozilla's flagship Firefox browser is vulnerable to at least 11 "critical" vulnerabilities that expose users to drive-by download attacks that require no user interaction beyond normal browsing. The open-source group shipped Firefox 3.5.4 with patches for the vulnerabilities, which range from code execution risk to the theft of information in the browser's form history."

Students sue DA who threatened sex abuse charges over cellphone bra photo - Tech Produc... - 0 views

    Two high school girls are suing their local District Attorney after he threatened to file child sex abuse charges against them over a cellphone photo of themselves in their bras. Marissa Miller and Grace Kelly, both now 15, were 13 when the picture was taken at a slumber party. It is believed to show the two friends from the waist up, both wearing bras. Several of their classmates had a copy of the photo stored on their cellphone, thanks to a craze called 'Sexting', where provocative cellphone images are exchanged between young people. The girls both attend Tunkhannock Area High School, Pa. The image in question found its way to District Attorney George P. Skumanick of Wyoming County after it was discovered on one student's confiscated cellphone. Skumanick was indignant enough to threaten all of those involved - either because they were found to be in possession of the image or because they were identified from the photo - with child sex abuse charges if they did not attend a ten hour class on pornography and sexual violence. Such charges, if filed, could lead to jail time as well as potentially having to register as a sex offender for anyone convicted. Seventeen other students accepted the 'deal' and agreed to go on the course. The parents of Marissa, Grace, and one other girl, however, felt that the threat from the DA was over-zealous and are fighting back. With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, they have filed suit against Skumanick in federal court in Scranton, Pa. The lawsuit asks the court to prevent Skumanick from filing charges against them, arguing that they had a right under the first and fourth amendments to refuse his deal and contending that his threat of sexual abuse charges was retaliatory in nature.
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